#7: Gregg Vanourek on Discover Mode vs. Climbing Mode

Also available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts

Gregg Vanourek is the co-author of Life Entrepreneurs: Ordinary People Creating Extraordinary Lives. I published an essay on this book a few months back and shared it with Gregg. 

He took the time to read it which meant the world to me. I subsequently found more of his material online, including his TEDtalk on Life Entrepreneurship

During this talk, Gregg contrasted discover mode against climbing mode. 

Climbing mode is going up the ladder in your life and career as fast as you can. Discover mode means figuring out which ladder to climb. 

In our conversation, Gregg and I discuss how taking the time to individually define discover mode vs. climbing mode leads to a happier, more fulfilling life for each of us.

Gregg's Contact Info
Personal Site - www.greggvanourek.com
Twitter - @gvanourek
Triple Crown Leadership - www.triplecrownleadership.com
Life Entrepreneurs - www.lifeentrepreneurs.com


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